Terms and Agreement

Deanarica Simulations MD-11 Copyright Notice and Contributor Agreement for X-Plane 12

© 2023 Deanarica Simulations. All rights reserved.

This MD-11 project for X-Plane 12 (referred to as the "Project") is a freeware initiative by Deanarica Simulations. All associated assets, including but not limited to models, objects, sounds, textures, and code (collectively referred to as "Assets"), are intended solely for use within this Project.

Contributor Agreement

  1. Ownership and Limited License: By contributing Assets to this Project, contributors grant Deanarica Simulations a perpetual, non-exclusive, irrevocable license to use, reproduce, and display their contributions solely within the context of this Project. The original ownership of individual Assets remains with the contributor. Contributors understand and agree that their Assets will not be used in any other projects, endeavors, or distributions outside of this specific Project.

  2. Removal of Assets: Contributors retain the right to request the removal of their individual Assets from the Project at any time. Such requests must be made in writing to the project maintainer and will be addressed in a timely manner.

  3. Submission and Approval: All Assets intended for inclusion in the Project must receive prior approval from Deanarica Simulations. Unauthorized additions may be removed without notice.

  4. No Compensation: This Project is a freeware initiative, and contributions are made on a voluntary basis. Contributors understand that they will not receive financial compensation for their contributions. Their efforts will be recognized and credited in a manner deemed appropriate by Deanarica Simulations.

  5. Warranties and Representations: Contributors affirm that their Assets are original creations, they possess the rights to submit their Assets to this Project, and their contributions do not infringe upon any third-party rights, including copyrights, trademarks, or patents.

  6. Limitation of Liability: Deanarica Simulations disclaims responsibility for any damages, losses, or liabilities arising from the use, modification, or distribution of the Project or its individual Assets.

Google Drive Structure and Accessibility

As part of our commitment to transparency and community collaboration, Deanarica Simulations utilizes a publicly accessible Google Drive for the Project.

  1. Folder Structure: The Drive consists of:

    • Deanarica Simulations MD-11 Folder: This is the primary folder containing game/sim assets ready for implementation or use.

    • Work Folder: This is where raw or work-in-progress files reside, such as .blend files, Substance Painter files, code snippets, sounds, and other materials. This folder is meant for contributors to share, collaborate, and iterate on their work before finalizing it for the main MD-11 folder.

  2. Credits Document: Within the Drive, there will be a "Credits" document. This is where all contributors will be acknowledged for their participation and contributions to the Project. Contributors are encouraged to ensure their name and contribution details are accurately represented in this document.

  3. Public Access: The Google Drive is open to the public for viewing and downloading. This access is granted to foster a collaborative environment and to allow the community to benefit from and contribute to the Project.

  4. Guidelines for Use: All contributors and users of the Drive are expected to maintain a respectful and constructive approach. Any misuse, including but not limited to, deletion of others' work, unauthorized changes, or inappropriate behavior, may result in revocation of access rights.